Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Today's big news is that the Editor of the South Shore Press has offered to let us switch our full page ad from black and white to full color for the second half of its run - at no extra cost! Is that amazing or what?

The photo shows the people heading up our children's programs on both campuses - Charlotte Engel in Ronkonkoma and Tracey Berner in Mastic.

The whole point of us developing campuses is that we have developed a model that can be reproduced. So while Island Cinemas in Mastic is a different shape building than Regal Cinemas in Ronkonkoma, we want it to look exactly the same and to offer the same programs.

We'll have a full menu of activities for boys and girls in Mastic from day one as we not only value youngsters, but we realize that if they are happy with us, mom and dad are more likely to be too.

Nursery, KIDMO, The Bridge are all good to go in just twelve days from today.